Here is a list of contact information. Please only email the following addresses if you have a question/comment that is appropriate for that specific email address. Please do not email us asking us to take cats or kittens. We truly do wish we could take in all the homeless cats and kittens of Bakersfield but we are over run. If you would like our tips on what to do with a homeless kitty, click here. The tricks listed on that page are the same exact response we would send you if you asked us to take cats, or if you wanted tips on how to find a home. We are trying very hard to move cats out of our system.
If you have cat questions, please email:
Do NOT email asking us to take cats or kittens. We are full and do not have enough foster homes.
If you are looking to adopt a cat, please email:
If you are looking to be a member, or have questions about membership, please email:
If you are interested in volunteering, please email:
If you have questions about the office/shop location or the food program, please email:
If you have questions about donations, please email:
For public relations please contact:
You can find us on facebook:
Phone Number: (661) 327-4706
Mailing Address: PO Box 13610, Bakersfield, CA 93389
Mr. Lake rests comfortably in his foster home, He was dumped at Hart Park, completely declawed and defenseless. When The Cat People found him he was covered in foxtails; they were even in his mouth. After a couple surgeries he recovered and is a very happy kitty now!