We are a 100% volunteer organization. That means we do not have any paid employees and all of the funds you donate go straight to helping cats in one way or another. You can donate a couple bucks, become a member, sign up for automatic giving, or you can donate time through volunteer work. It all makes a difference. 

Donate Today

Make a Donation 

Want to make a one time donation? Click the button below. Remember, every penny counts!



Check out our Zazzle Store and consider purchasing an item we designed. Proceeds benefit the kitties!


Become a Member

Become a member and receive our newsletter to catch up on all Cat People news. Donating to become a member helps us help more cats and kittens, and continues to raise awareness about our cause. Adults can join our cause for as little as $25, and kids join for $15. You do have the opportunity to donate more if you wish. 

Automatic Giving

If you are interested in automatic giving, print out this form and mail it to the address listed on the form. Click here to get the form!

Donate Supplies

We always need donated supplies. Consider dropping off the following items to our sanctuary:

  • Cat Beds

  • Royal Canin Baby Cat Food Dry or Canned

  • Pee Pads (for our sweet senior cats)

  • Purina Cat Chow Dry Food

  • Sheba/Fancy Feast Pate

  • Friskies Canned Chicken Cat Food

  • Top Loading Carriers

  • Gift Cards Lowes/Home Depot/Pet Smart/Pet Co

Amazon Wish List

Amazon Wish List

The easiest way to get donated items to us is by purchasing items from our Amazon wish list and having them shipped directly to us. Click the following button to view our wish list.