"The Best Cat Ever", Ernie Haberdasher was The Cat People's mascot from 1990-2001, and could be found purrsoning the sales desk at Pawsitively Cats, the organization's gift shop. Rescued from a empty house which had been locked for a month, Ernie made a full recovery from near-starvation and, amazingly, loved people to the end of his days.
Johnny Handsome
A purebred Shaded Silver Presian was found abandoned: ill, matted, filthy, and starving. He was adopted by Cat People President Linda Wright and was the group's first mascot.
Burger Kitty
We rescued from a Burger King drive-through where she actually asked visitors to order fishburgers for her, lived happily with Jim and Amy St. Amour in Bakersfield for eight years until her death.
Ophelia was rescued after being shot in a Bakersfield alley. Martha Gilleland and Linda Wright adopted her and loved their fierce, independent little alley cat until kidney disease took her life at age 16 (or so).
Andrei, a Russian Blue, was the dear companion of Joan Bondurant of Tucson, for almost 15 years. A "perpetual kitten", he loved his walled garden and palo verde tree.
Vole, a blue Burmese, was the beloved cat of Linda Wright for almost 18 years. Tiny but oh, so funny and sweet, she was a delightful free spirit. Vole, you are dearly missed by your cousin Biscuit and by your human caretakers.